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Sunday, 13 November 2005


Darth Vader

Glad to hear that you are celebrating your 1st b-day here w/ Shamash Says. Its nice to stop by and see what's all going on w/ you in some way, shape, or form.

I've still got a few months before my anny comes around w/ Expat Nomad. I'll try not to get too drunk when I celebrate it! :)

Cheers chica, good to been readin' ya for the last year and thanks for the inspiration for me as well.

Ms Sicily

Happy birthday Shamash! Even if I cant answer your mails 'cause I am overwhelmed with work to do (especially since I had visitors last week and couldnt study much at all....) I keep reading you!xxx

bluest eyes

happy B-Day shamash!
hope there´ll be many more shamash-inspirations throughout the next year, keeps me busy from doin´my head into studies (@Ms Sicily: they´re kickin´my ass at uni as well- especcially afdter a missed week as´I was travellin´) Got massenger now, maybe have a virtual coffee in a while?
See ya chícas! miss you....


Thanks, all of you, for the kudos.

Good to hear from you, Ms. Sicily and Bluest Eyes. I was wondering where you two were hiding, and I understand about studying... try teaching full time PLUS taking graduate courses! that's what I'm doing.

Seems we're all in the same boat. hugs, chicas. miss you.


happy birthday, blog of Shamash!

erm... "two sister professional blogs"?

bluest eyes

Yeah, hiding behind mountains of books, writing essays, term-papers...in a way I really started November-hermiting as sun is setting early and whilst working a lot. but in a way it doesn´t feel so bad and still it is a good feeling to get things started, having a beer after essays written (and as I´m trying to take the Borges-thing mores seriously...;-)) but hey, YOU seem to be busy as well ;-)lots of hugs.

Ms Sicily

Yes, I agree completly that shamash is a great way to take ur head off studying and also-for us- to be in touch...hey blue eyes, whats your messanger email address? email it to me and I'll had you to my contacts. AH! last night I finished a paper which asked "is globalisazion the triumph of capitalism?"...how have I ended up studying such things??I forgot which was the last issue of cosmopolitan I had the opportunity to read...


Michiel: "two sister professional blogs" = two blogs (connected to my work) that are related.

One is a classroom blog- a bulletin board of sorts. The other one is literature-based: an open forum where students can continue classroom discussion after class.


Gals: study hard! I'm sure you're the top of your class, challenging the professors. That's a good thing.

Bluest Eyes: Let's keep telling each other to remember Borges :-)

Ms. Sicily: I'd love to read the paper you wrote. For various reasons, I'd say the answer to your paper's question: "is globalization the triumph of capitalism?" is "no." Wish we could discuss it over cappuccino at The Lake . And, I can't imagine you missing an issue of Cosmo!:P

Ms D

Hi! You know I'm a little occupied right now, but it was good to cruise by and catch up, sorry for no communicatons. Happy Birthday and keep writing!

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