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Friday, 03 November 2006


Miss Sicily

I would also add:
a retrosexual man doesn't pluck his eyebrows and if in winter he shows a nice sun-tan is only because he is a fisherman and stays out in the sea all day-long.


Miss Sicily:
I love the additions!

the bluest eyes

Hi Ms. Sicily! I agree with you. Sun-teint in wintertime is a no-go. Doesn´t this remind us somehow of some people we know? ;-)) Miss our parties!

Darth Vader

I find myself being a retrosexual man in someways but not all of them. Does that preclude me from being a retrosexual?

And what about the glorious trademark of a farmer's tan?


Darth: I would put you in the bi-trosexual category since you could go either way. :-) Although: I'd say you lean more towards the retrosexual.

And: a farmer's tan is usually found on those straplin' farmboys in the summer, not the winter. Not that I would KNOW! ;-)

Darth Vader

ummm, it is my summer - remember???? ;)


On that seasonal note, Darth, if I were to dig a hole directly through the earth from where I am, guess where I'd end up?


Go figure, Mr. Summer with (or without!) a tan.


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